Social conflicts bring with them tragedies and opportunities, current media coverage has set its eyes on Europe; but it is not the only place that suffers the ravages of war, as there are other regions of the world with their population on the verge of famine. With the current trade restrictions and the lack of collaboration between peoples, the poorest are the most affected.
The Middle East is deeply scarred by religion, war, and in more recent times by the petrodollar economic boom, but the latter has not been kind to everyone. With the occupation of radical groups such as the so-called Islamic State (IS) in Syria, Iraq and Libya; the haze of hunger and death has forced millions of people to abandon their homes in search of refuge, while in countries like Qatar and the United Arab Emirates they enjoy high levels of quality of life; which allows you to access better food and ample growth possibilities.

In Table 1, according to data from the World Bank, there is a selection of countries in the region; the first 3 are the most prosperous and the last 3 have been hit by the IS Jihad, since the beginning of the armed conflict; Information from the UN Refugee Agency states that more than 8 million people have had to move from their homes to a safer place, but since they are deprived of their means of work, their quality of life will deteriorate alarmingly and many they depend entirely on the contributions of civil associations that provide humanitarian aid, which is not enough to give everyone a good meal. Now if we compare the GDP Per Capita of the countries present in the table there is a huge difference in the income of prosperity and war; In terms of food, it is difficult for everyone to have a balanced diet with so much inequality between countries that are so close.
The costs of agricultural imports in the region of the Middle East and North Africa have gone through the roof since they depend on Russian wheat, the flow of this has been interrupted both by economic sanctions and by the war, a not very encouraging situation for the 52 million people suffer from hunger in the region.
An opportunity and possible source of change in the region lies in the countryside and its reactivation; With efficient management of water resources, food security can be achieved and provide a stable source of employment that would substantially improve the lives of millions of people. With a sustainable agricultural infrastructure, the gaps between urban and rural areas can be reduced.
• Imports: are the set of goods and services purchased by a country in foreign territory for use in national territory.
• GDP: is a macroeconomic magnitude that shows the observed amount of goods and services produced in a country, during a given period of time.
• GDP per capita: It is an economic indicator that measures the relationship between the income level of a country and its population. To do this, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of said territory is divided by the number of inhabitants.
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