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Etnofood and the SDGs


Currently, social enterprises represent a revolutionary form of innovation by making use of current technologies and currents of thought to help meet the sustainable development goals (SDG) proposed by the UN in 2015, which seem to be very far from being achieved. achieved given the current rate of exploitation of the biosphere. Even so, there are projects that seek to make a change in consumption trends and Etnofood is part of this effort.

The idea of ​​zero consumption of meat has a foundation of sustainability and health; the first due to the environmental impact and the costs involved in keeping livestock active, annually consumes 6,000 million tons of food, including grains, fodder and feed, approximately a third of the world's cereal production, according to FAO data. In addition, this contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions, below, in illustration 1 according to data from the FAO, the emissions by species are shown graphically, with cattle standing out significantly as the most polluting of all.

Estimación global de emisiones por especie. Incluye las emisiones atribuidas a los productos comestibles y a otros bienes y servicios, como la tracción animal o la producción de lana. El vacuno de carne produce carne y otros productos. El vacuno lechero. Fuente:
Illustration 1. Global estimate of emissions by species. It includes emissions attributed to food products and other goods and services, such as animal traction or wool production. Beef cattle produce meat and other products. The dairy cattle. Source:

Furthermore, the conditions in which they live are indescribable; they spend their entire lives locked in metal cages, unable to move and smothered in their waste, and at the end of their lives the cruelty with which they are killed is terrible.

On the other hand, etnofood is a faithful follower of the slowfood philosophy, which aspires to a world in which everyone can access and enjoy good and healthy food, both for producers and consumers. This current is firmly against the power of transnational food and industrial agriculture companies. The three principles that are pursued are good and fresh food that satisfies the senses, clean that does not harm the environment, human or animal health, and fair considering consumers and producers alike and that everyone receives their deserved rewards.

The 2030 agenda adopted by the UN assembly sets out 17 goals that cover economic, social and environmental aspects. Of these etnofood is committed to the following:

Objective 2. Zero hunger

The health crisis caused by COVID-19 has complicated the improvement of the health of millions of people worldwide. The current trend indicates that people affected by hunger may exceed 840 million, due to climate change, economic recessions and human conflicts. Etnofood does its part in this aspect by offering quality, clean and healthy food at an affordable price which seeks total inclusion and that no one goes hungry.

Goal 8. Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all.

The team that makes up Etnofood is always constantly learning new knowledge necessary to face the challenges of modern society. The personal improvement of all team members is a visible reality, in addition to the fact that everyone has a balanced and sufficient diet provided by the company. Regardless of gender, all workers are treated in the same way and in the same way with monetary compensation, a fact that is reflected in the productivity of the team. The progressive improvement of the use of resources which goes hand in hand with the preservation of natural resources.

Objective 12- Guarantee sustainable consumption and production patterns

Global consumption and production depend on the constant use of the environment and resources, at a faster rate than the biosphere can regenerate. Data from the United Nations[2] state that each year a third of the food produced ends up in rubbish bins due to poor transportation and hoarding practices.

Etnofood has a commitment to local producers, at the right price it acquires the freshest ingredients to prepare its recipes, seeking to maximize the usefulness of the resources in each dish. Those remnants that could exist end up in compost or as animal feed, thus achieving zero waste. Sustainability and responsible consumption are a constant in this social enterprise.

Objective 13.- Climate action.

2019 was the second hottest year in history[2], with the pandemic, carbon dioxide emissions decreased by 6% due to the lack of mobility in cities, but these are expected to increase as normality returns. Etnofood puts its grain of sand trying to generate the least amount of greenhouse gases possible. The null use of products of animal origin and the maximization of all the resources used in the kitchen. Events such as Mother Earth Day reinforce ties with the planet and the prosperity it has given us.

If ethnofood could be described in two words, it would be movement and philosophy. The first because it is a living place and is constantly changing along with all the parts that make it up (producers, consumers and workers) and the second because it is loaded with a political message of resistance, backed by the philosophy of slow food. The growth of places like this increases the hope of survival and of improving the quality of life of many people. If so, there is still time to postpone the point of no return.


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