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Projects & Collaborations

As community needs grow, we work to create new projects with local innovators. Here are a few examples of our community projects.


Hub Impulsor Social seeks to help develop projects or companies by accompanying, strengthening and evaluating initiatives with a focus on sustainability and social development. Through programs and services such as the "High School Intervention Program for Entrepreneurs" or the "Women-Led Entrepreneurship Program", Hub Impulsor Social fosters innovation and catalyzes social impact. 

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Agrograbado is the entity that uses the gallery space in Etnofood. They collaborate and share the same mission of communicating the importance of gastronomy and agrobiodiversity through art.

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Ofrenda is an experience center located in the Mercado Lulaá, a section within the Central de Abastos of Oaxaca. The space offers a variety of tours and activities that allow you to explore the rich gastronomic culture of Oaxaca. In addition, within the facilities at Mercado Lulaá, we have a cozy cafeteria. 

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The FoodLab is a cooking space open to the public. We invite anyone to use the space to innovate and experiment in the kitchen. From chefs looking to use unique techniques and ingredients to home cooks looking for a space to expand their culinary projects and research. Contact us for more information and to get involved. 

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At Colectivo Tomate, we have found that integrating art and play allows us to open spaces of expression where children can share their feelings and points of view. Socio-artistic tools allow children to meet and connect, so we want to provide spaces for them to tell and share their stories and opinions about their rights: to play and participate, to inspire people, organizations and other children. Come, let's encourage and tell your stories collectively!

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